Programme Officer Services Ltd

Mirrlees Fields, Stockport

Appeal by: MAN Energy Solutions UK Limited, Site Address: Mirrlees Fields, Stockport, APP/C4235/W/23/3325351




(Please check this section on a regular basis for updates) (Archived News can be found at the bottom of the page)

The response from the parties can be found here regarding the National Planning Policy Framework. These are for information only.


The National Planning Policy Framework was published on 19 December. The Inspector requested responses (via PINS) as to how this may have any relevance to your case at the Inquiry. Responses are due by 12th January 2024 and should be sent directly to the Planning Inspectorate. 



The Inquiry closed on Tuesday 14 November.

The Decision will  be published on the website when it becomes available.

22 November 2023  – The final Inquiry Document list can be found here.

The Closing submissions for the Appellant, the Council and the Rule 6 Party are now available.




The Inquiry

The Inquiry commenced on Tuesday 31st October 2023 at 10am and sat for 7 days. 


The Venue

The Inquiry was held at Fred Perry House, 1 Edward Street, Stockport. SK1 3UR. You will need to enter the Inquiry from the Reception at Stopford House, Piccadilly, SKI 3UR


The Inspector

The Inspector for the Inquiry was C Mulloy BSc(Hons) DipTP MRTPI


The Programme Officer

The Programme Officer for the Inquiry is Yvonne Parker. She is an impartial officer and works under the direction of the Inspector.
Telephone:  Mobile: 0781 333 4305 


The Programme

The Draft Programme for the Inquiry can be downloaded here 


Core Documents

The list of Core Documents can be downloaded here. 


Inquiry Documents

Inquiry Documents can be downloaded when available here. Documents will be added to this until the end of the Inquiry.


Case Management Conference (CMC)

The Case Management Conference was held remotely at 10:00am on 13th September 2023. 
The Agenda & Notes for the Case Management Conference can be read here
The Notes from the CMC can be read here



Archived  News

10 November 2023 – The Programme for Tuesday 14 November can be found here

13 November 2023 – the Inquiry Documents list has been updated.

Please note the Itinerary for the Site visit is JT4.

7 November 2023 – the Inquiry Documents list and the CD list have been updated.

31 October 2023 – The Inquiry Document list has been created and will be updated when new documents are added. 

31 October 2023 – The CD list has been updated

27 October 2023 – The Draft Programme has been updated.

26 October 2023 – The Draft Programme has been issued. Please note this is subject to change.

25 October 2023 – Further Documents have been added to the CD list.

18 October 2023 – The Rebuttal Proofs of Evidence have been submitted and further documents have been added to the CD list.

4 October 2023 – The Proofs of Evidence have been submitted and can be found in Sections 9,10 & 11 of the Draft CD list

2 October 2023 – The Draft CD list has been updated.

29 September 2023 – The Draft CD list has been updated with links

21 September 2023 – The Draft CD list has been updated

14 September 2023The notes from the CMC have been published.

8 September 2023The Agenda and Pre-Conference Notes have been published.

8 September 2023The Draft CD list has been published.





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