Programme Officer Services Ltd

Carlisle Southern Link Road Inquiry

The Cumbria County Council (A689 (Carlisle Southern Link Road) (CLASSIFIED ROAD) (SIDE ROADS AND OTHER WORKS) ORDER 2020. This is an Order under Sections 6, 14 and 125 of the Highways Act 1980.
The Cumbria County Council(CARLISLE SOUTHERN LINK ROAD) COMPULSORY PURCHASE ORDER 2020. This is an Order under Sections 6, 239, 240, 246, 250 and 260 of the Highways Act 1980.



7 October 2021 – The Decision has been issued and can be read here



The Inspector

The Inspector for the Inquiry is Karen L Ridge LLB(Hons) MTPL Solicitor


The Inquiry

The Inquiry commenced on Tuesday 15 June at 10am and was held remotely via TEAMS.


The Programme Officer

The Programme Officer for the Inquiry is Yvonne Parker. email:

Telephone: 01282 450522 or 0781 333 4305


The Programme

The Programme for the Inquiry can be downloaded here


Inquiry Documents

Inquiry Documents can be downloaded  here


Core Documents

The Draft list of Core Documents can be downloaded here


Proofs of Evidence

The Proofs of Evidence can be downloaded here


Pre-Inquiries Meeting/Case Conference Meeting

The Pre-Inquiries meeting was held remotely on Monday 26 April at 10am.

The notes from the Pre-Inquiries meeting can be downloaded here

The agenda for the Pre-Inquiries meeting can be downloaded here


Archived Information

9 July  – The NPPF was revised. The Inspector asked for comments which were received by 4 August – these can be downloaded at  Inquiry Documents

25 June – The Inquiry has now closed and the Decision will be posted here once it has been issued.

9 June 2021 – The Programme for the Inquiry has been produced and can be read here

3 June 2021 – The Inquiry Documents list can be read here

25 May 2021 – The Proofs of Evidence can be read here

25 May 2021 – The Core Documents list has been updated and can be read here

29 April 2021 – The notes of the Pre-Inquiry can be read here


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